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Monday, August 28, 2023

How can a young child identify their mother?

 How can a young child identify their mother?

Although being a mother is a great experience, it may also be perplexing at times. When they are hungry, why do babies cry?

How can a newborn child identify their mother? And why must they initially be held constantly? The underlying science is explained here.

Even before birth, a newborn will begin to recognize their mother's voice. When a child is still in the womb, a mother can communicate with them. It takes place during 7-8 months into pregnancy.

A newborn baby may recognize and respond to her mother by scent in addition to sound. When we talk about the aroma, we don't mean any particular kind of perfume; rather, we mean the mother's natural scent. After coming into contact with her mothers, the newborn may recognize them.

For instance, one of my acquaintances had a cesarean section performed when she gave birth to her eldest child. The midwives whisked the newborn away shortly after delivery to clothe her. The infant was wailing at this period, however she stopped crying as soon as she was returned to her mother.
In addition, when it comes to sight, they can be recognized after only a short period of exposure to her mother. Even when dressed differently, babies can tell each other's gender. They are ready to learn and have a positive outlook on life.

Soon after birth, newborn newborns can know their moms. They can spend this time staring at their mother for an hour before going to bed.
Although some studies' results suggest that infants cannot tolerate far-off items, infants can discriminate between distinct things under the right circumstances, just like adults.

According to certain research, a newborn baby can track objects just like an adult. For instance, newborn babies will be found staring everywhere their mothers go and sobbing when they leave them.

How a newborn baby's brain functions

infants understand their mother's voice

Newborn children in today's society are essentially self-sufficient. They learn to coordinate their senses soon after birth, turning their heads in response to sounds, shielding their eyes from bright light, recognizing the breast, sucking it, and breathing properly.

Research suggests that a newborn's sense of taste develops fourteen weeks after conception and their sense of hearing at twenty weeks.

All the pieces are assembled shortly after conception so the baby may make the best use of their senses.

Science demonstrates that infants, like adults, are social beings. Like other humans, they can develop healthy relationships and speak clearly when there are issues.

When does a newborn become aware of their names?

infants who know their mommy

This takes place between the ages of 10 and 18 months as a child's language develops. Word count at this age helps evaluate and comprehend a child's expressive abilities and capacity for thought.

A newborn may speak a common language but not be able to talk. For instance, a child with autism may talk but not use speech to communicate, whereas a youngster with deafness may be highly intelligent but unable to speak.

There are three stages of infant language development:

a. Before speaking

b. Names

c. Word assemblage


Pre-speech starts between 0 and 10 months.

The infant begins vocalizing whenever they hear an adult speak at the age of three months. Most of the time, you'll see children paying close attention to what an adult is saying before imitating them.

The baby begins to babble at six months old and quickly learns to mimic conversations. You'll hear children say words like "mama" and "dada," which their parents take to be real language. This encourages kids to continue learning.


The naming phase lasts about 10 to 18 months.

The infant is aware that people have names and that things have labels at this point.

After receiving positive reinforcement from their parents, the infant begins to appropriately use names like "mama" and "dada."

Some infants may comprehend more than 100 words by the age of one year, and they can also follow basic cues and gestures.

The infant begins to recognize both their own and other people's names throughout this naming phase.

Word assemblage

This time frame ranges from 18 to 24 months.

After saying their first words, the baby now starts to mix words. When referring to being given the cup by the mother, they begin combining terms, such as "mommy cup." For instance, a young child would gesture to a "mommy's spoon" rather than saying "spoon."

At this period, a complete stranger may comprehend 50% of what the infant is saying.

Can a baby experience love?

Yes, newborn babies may experience love, however it takes them a long time to comprehend their feelings.

It is crucial to establish a link between a mother and her child since it helps the child feel cherished.

Is it possible for a newborn to misidentify their mother?

infants who know their mommy

Yes, a lot of newborns who are adopted and do not have enough time to form a link with their moms may have confusion.

Through their connection, voice, perfume, breastfeeding, and affection during childbirth, children can identify their mothers.

A newborn soon loses track of their biological mother if they are adopted shortly after birth and do not grow up with their mother.

Do infants who are simultaneously raised by a mother and a nanny get confused?

Children rarely become confused, yet it can happen. Since they spend so much time with them, most kids form closer bonds with the nannies than their mothers, which causes misunderstanding over who reared them.

As opposed to their mothers, they learn more about foreign cultures via their nannies. Additionally, they come to love their nannies more than their mothers.

How to help children and parents connect

It's always beneficial to spend time with your children because it forges a link between you and them. They are able to communicate whatever issues they are having since they feel loved.

Don't consider them a burden

Always be kind and loving to them. For instance, allow children to tag along with you whenever you go grocery shopping or for a ride.

Demonstrate to them that you are their parents

Love and adoration them. Make it clear to them that you are there for them. Love them and maintain a line of communication. For instance, a parent's lack of time with the child can lead to many youngsters developing a mental disorder.

Traditional beliefs regarding babies are often untrue. Newborns are complicated, highly evolved beings rather than basic ones. As adults, they can also hear, taste, and sleep.

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